Our map makes it easy to showcase your business to our global community of travelers. By listing your location, your business becomes visible to all website visitors and on the web.
We believe in bringing communities together, and we want to bring you closer to ours.
*Additional taxes may apply.
Terms of serviceStarting at just 19€ per month per location, you can create a dynamic page for your business on our platform. This page will attract visitors and is optimized for search engines, ensuring visibility when potential customers search for similar services in your area.
Personalize your location's page with custom images and descriptions that align with your brand's voice. Add direct links to your website and social media to create a place where customers can connect easily. Generate leads on the go and elevate your business visibility.
Our Premium package further enhances your company's online presence.
Our team will help you refine your description for better search engine rankings and broader reach. Benefit from additional exposure as your location is featured in our digital journal and shared on our social media channels within 3-6 months, boosting interaction with your brand.
For businesses with more than five locations, we strongly recommend the Enterprise package. This comprehensive solution includes continuous SEO copy updates from our team, ensuring top-notch online visibility. Your locations will be highlighted on our map, making them stand out. We also offer to handle all copywriting, allowing you to relax and leave the work to us, so you don’t need to worry about investing too much time.