Vanlifezone logo
Terms of Service
Multimedia Agency Florian Jaunegg / Vanlifezone Allerheiligen bei Wildon 256, 8412 Allerheiligen bei Wildon, Austria +43 664 88334539
Last update: 20.10.2024
1. Scope, Contract Conclusion, and Application Area
1.1 The Multimedia Agency Florian Jaunegg / Vanlifezone (hereinafter referred to as 'Vanlifezone') provides its services exclusively based on the following General Terms and Conditions (GTC). These apply to all legal relationships between Vanlifezone and the users, both for B2B customers and private users, even if they are not explicitly referred to. By using the website or entering into a contract, users agree to these GTC.
1.2 B2B customers are obliged to read and accept the GTC fully before concluding a contract. The order and confirmation of the order by B2B customers mean the full and unrestricted acceptance of these GTC.

1.3 These GTC also apply to private users who use the website and the free services offered on it (e.g., using the map, reading articles, participating in the community). By using the website or accessing the services offered, users confirm that they have read and agree to the GTC.
  • 1.4 The version of the GTC valid at the time of the conclusion of the contract or use of the website is decisive. Deviations from these GTC and any supplementary agreements with the users are only effective if confirmed in writing by Vanlifezone.

  • 1.5 Any terms and conditions of B2B customers are not accepted, even if known, unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing in individual cases. Vanlifezone expressly rejects all general terms and conditions of B2B customers, as far as they deviate from these GTC. Further objection by Vanlifezone is not required.

  • 1.6 Should individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions be invalid, this does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions and the contracts concluded under them. In place of the invalid provision, a legally permissible regulation that comes closest to the meaning and purpose of the invalid provision applies. The same applies in the case of a regulatory gap.

2. Offers and Services
2.1 Offers from Vanlifezone are non-binding and without obligation. Vanlifezone reserves the right to change the content and prices of the offers at any time without prior notice unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing.
2.2 The products and services offered for sale are those available at the time of order confirmation and payment by the users. Vanlifezone reserves the right to change the offer at any time, particularly by adding, changing, or removing products and services.
2.3 The products and services offered by Vanlifezone are presented as comprehensively and accurately as possible on the website. However, no guarantee can be given for perfect representation on the website, particularly due to the respective scope and differences in the reproduction of colors or materials by internet browsers and/or screens. The images and descriptions on the website are for illustration purposes only and are not part of a contractual agreement.
2.4 The offers and services of Vanlifezone are available for businesses in the following countries unless prevented by economic, political, or other reasons: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Colombia, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.
2.5 Vanlifezone reserves the right to refuse and cancel orders from companies or users from countries not listed in section 2.4.
2.6 Interested parties from countries not listed in 2.4 have the option to contact Vanlifezone and request the inclusion of their country in the list of served countries. However, Vanlifezone assumes no liability for considering such requests and does not guarantee whether, how, and when an inclusion will occur.
2.7 The use of the services offered by Vanlifezone by the users is subject to the respective technical requirements and current system requirements specified on the website Vanlifezone assumes no responsibility for the availability or functionality of the website and the services offered if they are affected by factors beyond Vanlifezone's control.
2.8 Vanlifezone reserves the right to modify, discontinue, or replace the offered services or offers at any time. Users registered with Vanlifezone will be informed in good time about significant changes unless these changes only involve minor adjustments that do not adversely affect the use of the services.
2.9 By accepting an offer or ordering a service, users agree that the data they provide to Vanlifezone is accurate and complete. Vanlifezone assumes no liability for damages or losses resulting from incorrect or incomplete information provided by the users.
2.10 The Standard Location Bundle (€19/month or €199/year excluding tax) provides businesses with a listing on Vanlifezone's platform and on the map ( This includes a profile page that displays the business name, type of industry (e.g., garage, rental, shop), address, contact information (such as email, phone number and/or social media links), and a link to the business' website. A 'Show on Map' button is available, allowing users to locate the business on Vanlifezone's interactive map. Additionally, a Route button enables users to access direct navigation to the business through Google Maps or a navigation system on The profile includes a description section where businesses can outline their services, products, or offerings, and the option to upload images showcasing their services, vehicles, or facilities. Location pages are optimized for search engines to enhance online discoverability. Businesses can add their operating hours to ensure potential customers have current availability information. Please note that Vanlifezone does not offer copywriting or content creation services in the Standard Bundle; businesses are responsible for providing their own content (descriptions and images) and the search engine performance can heavily be impacted by the content they provide. Each bundle applies to one location only, and additional bundles are required for multiple locations. Translation services are not included, and profiles will appear in the language(s) submitted by the client. This bundle does not include additional articles, or social media promotions.
2.11 The Premium Location Bundle (€39/month or €399/year excluding tax) includes all services and terms of the Standard Bundle mentioned in 2.10, unless stated otherwise in the following. In addition, Vanlifezone offers a one-time SEO copy review with recommendations on how to improve submitted content, to help ensure that the submitted location description and content are optimized for search engines. Furthermore, the Premium Bundle includes a one-time translation of the profile into all supported languages on Vanlifezone's platform, currently English and German. Both supporting actions are limited to the initial profile setup and translation and do not include ongoing updates or revisions. Should new languages, such as Spanish, Portuguese, or French, be introduced, the location page will also be automatically translated into these at no additional cost to ensure proper SEO wording. This translation can take place up to 365 days after the first public implementation of a new language on The Premium Bundle also offers additional visibility through a dedicated article on the Vanlifezone Journal (, which highlights the business's offerings, services, and surroundings, alongside other engaging content. This article can be published up to six months after the profile setup to maximize SEO benefits and does not have to be included in any mini-gallery showcasing the journal (e.g., gallery on landingpage of or at the bottom of articles). The article will also be shared on Vanlifezone's social media pages. The creative process for this post, where the article is shared with Vanlifezone's community on social media, is at Vanlifezone's discretion and is not required to include custom posts or promotional campaigns beyond link sharing. The requirements are considered fulfilled as soon as Vanlifezone has shared or posted the article to one of the following platforms, either in a short-term post (e.g., stories) or long-term post (e.g., regular post on Facebook): Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, or Reddit. Vanlifezone may create and share additional posts about the article or location at Vanlifezone's discretion.
2.12 The Enterprise Location Bundle (€99/month or €999/year excluding tax) includes all features and terms of the Premium Bundle mentioned in 2.11, unless stated otherwise in the following. In addition, the location will be highlighted on the interactive map ( through color, shape, or size. This special marker will distinguish the business from other business listings. Vanlifezone will also handle the setup of the profile, including SEO-friendly descriptions based on the data provided by the client. Although Vanlifezone will assist in structuring the profile, the client is responsible for submitting all essential content. If the client provides limited information, Vanlifezone will not independently generate missing data and will proceed with the available data; Vanlifezone is not required to research additional information outside of the sources provided by the business. The Enterprise Bundle also includes ongoing SEO performance monitoring, with periodic copy suggestions to optimize the profile's search rankings. These recommendations may be offered annually, or more frequently, depending on the necessity for improvements. This necessity is evaluated by Vanlifezone.
2.13 The Gallery-Only recommendation listing (€250 excluding tax) provides businesses with a straightforward product listing in the Vanlifezone Recommends gallery ( This includes an affiliate link, offering a 10% commission to Vanlifezone and a 10% discount for customers using the link, facilitated by ShareASale or a similar platform (unless otherwise agreed). No detailed review article or social media promotion is included. Businesses must first purchase the listing and submit their products and information for evaluation. Vanlifezone will review the submission, and if approved, the product will be added to the Recommends page. The review process may take up to 30 days. The listing remains active for one year, with an option for annual renewal at €250. If the product is not approved, a full refund will be issued.
2.14 The Article-Amplify Listing (€500 excluding tax) includes all services from the Gallery-Only listing, with additional benefits. In addition to the product being listed in the Vanlifezone Recommends gallery, businesses receive a review article published in the Vanlifezone Journal (, along with high-quality images if the product is provided for testing. The article is not required to appear in a mini-gallery (e.g., the gallery on or at the bottom of articles). The article will also be shared on Vanlifezone's social media channels. The creative process for this post, where the article is shared with Vanlifezone's community on social media, is at Vanlifezone's discretion and does not require custom posts or campaigns beyond link sharing. The requirements are considered fulfilled as soon as Vanlifezone has shared or posted the article on one of the following platforms, either in a short-term post (e.g., stories) or a long-term post (e.g., regular post on Facebook): Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Facebook, X (Twitter), LinkedIn, or Reddit. Vanlifezone may also create and share additional posts about the article or product at its discretion. After purchasing the listing, businesses must submit their products and information for evaluation. If approved, the review article will be published within 30 days. If the product is sent to Vanlifezone for thorough review and photography, the article will go live within 30 days after the product's arrival. The listing remains active for one year, with the option to renew for €250 annually. If the product is not approved, a full refund will be issued.
3. Prices and Payment Terms
3.1 The prices for the products and services offered by Vanlifezone are indicated in euros and correspond to the respective net value. Prices are exclusive of taxes, fees, or other charges unless explicitly stated otherwise. Users are obliged to bear all applicable taxes and charges, including any VAT or other indirect taxes, in accordance with the applicable legal provisions.
3.2 For B2B customers with a registered office outside Austria, invoicing is done according to the reverse charge procedure. This means that VAT is paid by the B2B customers in the country where they have their registered office unless explicitly agreed otherwise in writing in individual cases.
3.3 For B2B customers with a registered office in Austria, the indicated prices are exempt from VAT, as Vanlifezone is currently exempt from VAT under §6 para. 1 item 27 of the Austrian VAT Act. If this tax exemption changes, the B2B customers will be informed. In such a case, VAT may be added to the prices in Austria. However, Vanlifezone intends to include VAT in the previous price to make prices in Austria cheaper than abroad as a measure to support the domestic camping industry. However, there is no legal obligation to do so.
3.4 Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all payments are due immediately upon invoicing and must be made to Vanlifezone without deductions within 14 days at the latest. Payment is made using the payment methods indicated on the website, including but not limited to,, credit card, or other electronic payment methods available on
3.5 Users are obliged to ensure that all payment information provided is accurate and up-to-date. If a payment fails due to incorrect or incomplete information, Vanlifezone reserves the right to suspend access to the ordered services until the outstanding amounts are fully paid.
3.6 In the event of late payment, default interest of 9.2 percentage points above the respective base rate of the European Central Bank is payable. Vanlifezone reserves the right to claim reminder fees and any collection costs in the event of late payment.
3.7 Vanlifezone reserves the right to change subscription prices at any time. Price changes will be announced on the website at least 30 days before they take effect. For existing subscribers, the new prices apply only after the end of the current billing period or after a minimum period of 60 days from the announcement.
3.8 If there are irregularities in pricing or invoicing due to technical errors, misunderstandings, or changes with third-party providers (e.g., payment service providers), Vanlifezone will promptly inform the affected users and make a correction. In such cases, users have the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days of receiving the corrected invoice.
4. Orders and Registration Process
4.1 Users can place their orders for the products and services offered on the website via the webpage and the linked pages on or The order is made by filling out the corresponding form and then confirming it using the specified payment method.
4.2 When ordering, users must provide their email address, payment information, billing address, and the full company name (if applicable) and VAT number of their company if they are B2B customers. All information must be complete, current, and accurate.
4.3 The information provided by users must be accurate and complete. Users are responsible for ensuring their email address is valid and that important notifications do not end up in the spam folder. Vanlifezone is not liable for damages resulting from inaccurate or incomplete information.
4.4 In case of incorrect or erroneous information, especially regarding company data or VAT number, which leads to legal consequences, users are liable for all resulting costs and damages, including possible fines and claims for damages.
4.5 After the order is placed, users can no longer change the billing address and company data, except by a written request to via the email address provided on the website. Users must therefore ensure that all information is correct before confirming the order.
4.6 The confirmation of the order by the users implies acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions. By placing an order, users confirm that they have read and agree to the terms. After the order, Vanlifezone will send an order confirmation by email to the users, containing the essential elements of the order (e.g., order number, ordered products, billing address). However, this confirmation does not yet constitute acceptance of the offer by Vanlifezone. The contract is only concluded when Vanlifezone accepts the order with a further email or by providing the service.
4.7 If one or more of the ordered products or services are not available, Vanlifezone will inform the users as soon as possible by email. In such a case, users have the right to cancel the order, and any payments already made will be refunded. Alternatively, a new availability date may be offered, subject to the subsequent availability of the products or services.
5. Registration and Management of Location Data
5.1 After completing the order for the registration of location data, Vanlifezone will send an email to the users as soon as possible. This email contains an identification code and a further link through which the users, after providing the code and the email address given for the order, can enter the data for their location. If multiple location packages have been ordered, users will receive several identification codes accordingly.
5.2 Users are responsible for taking the necessary measures and precautions to ensure the security of their data and identification codes. Only the users are responsible for using their identification codes. Any connection or transmission of data using their code is considered to be executed by the users and is done at their own risk.
5.3 Vanlifezone reserves the right to change the registration and data entry process at any time, particularly by adding, changing, or removing individual steps or introducing an alternative login for users. If this login changes, users will be informed and can continue to access it using their previous identification codes.
5.4 The data entered by the users will be reviewed by Vanlifezone before publication to ensure that no hate messages, inappropriate content, or other legally questionable materials are disseminated. If Vanlifezone deems content inappropriate, it will not be released and removed. In such cases, users will be informed accordingly. However, Vanlifezone assumes no liability if such content is overlooked and released. The responsibility and liability for the posted content lie solely with the users.
5.5 After submitting new data or updating content, Vanlifezone needs several days to review and approve it. This usually happens within three working days but can take up to 30 days during periods of high system load. When a location is first registered, this delay will be added to the end of the subscription, so the location remains online longer by the number of delayed days.
5.6 Users can update their entries at any time by re-uploading the updated data along with their identification codes. The update of the data available on the website is subject to the period mentioned in paragraph 5.5.
5.7 Vanlifezone reserves the right to make changes to the structure, design, and available functions of the website at any time without prior notice. This also includes the functions for entering and managing location data, the functions of the location pages, and their visual properties. Users will be informed of significant changes in good time unless these changes only involve minor adjustments that do not adversely affect the use of the services.
5.8 Should technical problems or unforeseen events affect the registration or management of location data, Vanlifezone will take all reasonable measures to resolve the problems as quickly as possible. However, liability for any delays or temporary outages of services due to technical problems is excluded.
6. Termination of Subscriptions and Removal of Location Data
6.1 Users can terminate their subscription and request the removal of their location data by sending an email to The email must contain the identification code of the respective location and the email address provided at the time of purchase.
6.2 The termination of a subscription takes effect 30 days after the last day of the month in which the written termination was received by Vanlifezone. During this termination period, the location remains visible on the website unless the users expressly request early removal.
6.3 Upon the express written request of the users, the location data can also be removed before the end of the termination period. Early removal will consider a possible processing time of up to 30 days according to paragraph 5.5. Any delays in processing do not result in any liability obligation for Vanlifezone.
6.4 If termination or removal of location data occurs within the termination period and the subscription is renewed during the period between the validity of the termination and the final termination, the resulting amount will be refunded to the users. The refund will be made within 30 days of confirming the termination of the subscription by Vanlifezone.
6.5 The data generally remains online until the end of the current subscription period, taking into account the delay that occurred when the location was first registered (see paragraph 5.5), so the location remains available online for longer by the number of delayed days.
6.6 Vanlifezone makes no guarantee that all references or mentions of the location will be promptly removed from all parts of the website or other media associated with Vanlifezone. However, Vanlifezone will endeavor to update or delete the information within a reasonable period.
6.7 Vanlifezone reserves the right to terminate a subscription at any time without notice for important reasons. An important reason exists, in particular, if users violate essential provisions of these GTC or disregard legal regulations. In such a case, no refund of amounts already paid will be made.
6.8 In the event of withdrawal or termination by Vanlifezone, fees already paid for the period after the termination of the contractual relationship will be refunded proportionally, unless the termination is due to the users' culpable behavior.
6.9 If Vanlifezone decides to permanently discontinue the services for entering and displaying location data, users will be informed in good time. Fees already paid for the period after the discontinuation of the services will be refunded proportionally.
7. Liability and Warranty
7.1 Vanlifezone is only liable for damages in cases of intent or gross negligence. In cases of slight negligence, Vanlifezone is only liable for personal injury. Liability for slight negligence is limited to the typically foreseeable damage and only concerns the violation of essential contractual obligations (cardinal obligations). In all other cases, liability for slight negligence is excluded.
7.2 Vanlifezone assumes no liability for the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the content and information provided by users. Users are solely responsible for the data and content they provide. Vanlifezone only reviews the content submitted by users for obvious violations of the terms of use or legal regulations and assumes no responsibility for the content itself.
7.3 Vanlifezone is not liable for direct or indirect damages, lost profits, missed savings, data loss, or other consequential damages that users incur in connection with the use of the website, the services offered, or the content.
7.4 Vanlifezone assumes no warranty for the availability and functionality of the website and the services offered. In particular, Vanlifezone is not liable for technical malfunctions, interruptions, or outages of the website that are beyond Vanlifezone's control. However, Vanlifezone endeavors to resolve technical problems as quickly as possible and to ensure the highest possible availability of the website and services.
7.5 Vanlifezone is not liable for damages or delays resulting from force majeure or other unforeseen events (e.g., natural disasters, strikes, official orders, failures of communication networks, or other infrastructure).
7.6 Users indemnify Vanlifezone against all third-party claims based on illegal use of the website or services by the users or arising from the content provided by the users. Users assume the associated costs of necessary legal representation of Vanlifezone, including all court and attorney fees at the statutory rate.
7.7 Warranty claims by users expire within 12 months from the provision of the service by Vanlifezone unless mandatory statutory provisions provide for a longer limitation period.
7.8 Vanlifezone assumes no warranty for the availability or accuracy of the content of third parties accessible via links on the website. Users acknowledge that using such content is at their own risk and that Vanlifezone assumes no responsibility for the content of external websites accessible via links on the Vanlifezone website.
8. Data Protection and Use of Customer Data
8.1 Vanlifezone processes users' personal data in accordance with applicable data protection laws and the privacy policy published on the website. Users are informed that the privacy policy is available at
8.2 The personal data provided by the users will only be used for the execution, processing, and improvement of the services offered unless there is a different consent from the users.
8.3 Users have the right to access their stored personal data at any time and to request the correction, blocking, or deletion of their data, provided that no statutory retention obligations prevent this.
9. Changes to the GTC
9.1 Vanlifezone reserves the right to change these General Terms and Conditions (GTC) at any time and without stating reasons, particularly in the event of legal changes, technical developments, or extensions of the services offered. The changed GTC will be communicated to the users registered with Vanlifezone in good time before they take effect via email or a notice on the website.
9.2 The changes to the GTC are considered accepted by the users if they do not object in writing within 14 days of receiving the change notification. The change notification expressly points out the importance of silence and the specifically changed clauses.
9.3 In the event of an objection by the users, Vanlifezone reserves the right to terminate the contract with the respective users at the time the amended GTC take effect.
9.4 Vanlifezone will only make changes affecting essential contractual obligations (cardinal obligations) if these are necessary due to mandatory legal requirements or if the change is reasonable for the users, considering the interests of Vanlifezone.
10. Usage Rights and Intellectual Property
10.1 All content published on the Vanlifezone website, including but not limited to texts, images, graphics, videos, and software, is protected by copyright and is the property of Vanlifezone or its licensors. The use of this content is only permitted within the scope of the services specified on the website and in accordance with the provisions of these GTC.
10.2 Users who submit content to the Vanlifezone platform grant Vanlifezone a non-exclusive, free, worldwide, and unlimited usage right to this content. This right includes, among other things, the reproduction, distribution, public accessibility, editing, and use of the content for commercial purposes, such as providing services or generating revenue through advertising and sponsorship. Users confirm that this transfer of rights applies to all currently known and future types of use.
10.3 Users represent and warrant that they own all rights to the content they submit and that this content does not infringe on the rights of third parties. Users indemnify Vanlifezone from all third-party claims resulting from a violation of this obligation.
11. Final Provisions
11.1 Should individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions be invalid or become invalid, this does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Instead of the invalid provision, a legally permissible regulation that comes closest to the meaning and purpose of the invalid provision shall apply.
11.2 These General Terms and Conditions and all contracts concluded under them are subject to the law of the Republic of Austria, excluding the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG). The competent court for all disputes arising from or in connection with these GTC is the competent court in Graz, Austria.
11.3 Side agreements, changes, or additions to these GTC must be in writing to be effective. This also applies to the waiver of the written form requirement.
11.4 Vanlifezone informs users that there are options for alternative dispute resolution. However, participation in alternative dispute resolution procedures is not mandatory.
12. Dispute Resolution and Jurisdiction
12.1 The competent court in Graz, Austria, is responsible for all disputes arising from these GTC or the contracts concluded under their application.
12.2 In case of disagreements or disputes arising from or in connection with these GTC or the services of Vanlifezone, Vanlifezone will first attempt to reach an amicable agreement with the users before initiating legal proceedings.
13. Contact Information
13.1 For inquiries, complaints, or support requests, users can contact Vanlifezone at the following contact details: Email: Telephone: +43 664 88334539 Postal Address: Multimedia Agentur Florian Jaunegg / Vanlifezone, Allerheiligen bei Wildon 256, 8412 Allerheiligen bei Wildon, Austria